Terms of Service

Privacy Statement

Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. (GVEA) is committed to making efforts to protect your online privacy. Since we gather certain information about our users, 我们认为您应该充分了解有关使用该信息的条款和条件. This privacy statement discloses what information we gather, and how it is used. 

Information GVEA Gathers & Tracks

GVEA gathers four distinct types of information:

Member information and data: In the case of our electronic billing presentment and payment (EBPP) system, MyGVEA, 我们收集连接个人或企业与其计费信息所需的信息. 这包括但不限于:姓名、帐号和社会安全号码. 

您的会员信息将在MyGVEA系统中用于向您提供当前的账单信息, history and payment options. If you choose to receive a mailed copy of your paper bill, 处理您的账单所需的数据将提供给国家信息系统合作社(NISC)。, the company responsible for printing and mailing our bills. NISC may not use this information for any other purpose. 

Credit Card Validation: Credit card payments must be validated. 这需要使用您的信用卡号码,到期日和其他账单数据. 

In order to process credit card payments, we require information such as the credit card number, expiration date, account holder’s name and billing address information. This is used to validate the card and process payments. 此信息通过安全连接传输到您的客户端计算机和信用卡处理公司NISC . Onscreen, your credit card number will only be displayed as leading asterisk(*), followed by the last four digits. 当付款成功处理后,您将收到一封包含付款信息的电子邮件. 信用卡处理公司不得将此信息用于任何其他目的. 

Optional User Supplied data: Non-required information, such as your mother’s maiden name or user selected email options, will be retained. 

Web and Application logs: 这些信息用于确定我们应用程序中的浏览习惯,并使我们能够满足我们的网站,以更好地满足我们会员的需求. 如果您在我们的网站上遇到麻烦,这也可以用来确定问题可能发生在哪里. 

每次连接到我们的webmg冰球突破豪华版下载器时,请求都会被记录下来,以及日期和时间. 这些信息有助于确定页面的哪些方面被大量使用, 并且在一定程度上可以用来确定我们网站的浏览模式. This helps us to improve on our site and cater it to user wishes. 应用程序日志可以帮助我们跟踪MyGVEA应用程序的单个事务和功能. 

  • Cookies – We will not be utilizing cookies that last longer than the session, which often are used to store personal or personalized information. 
  • Passwords are encrypted. 但是,您必须对您的密码以及您的MyGVEA帐户的使用负责. Do NOT share your password. 
  • Security – GVEA maintains a secure data network utilizing industry standard firewall, password and Web/SSL systems. GVEA periodically reviews our privacy policies and network security. 
  • Consent -使用本网站即表示您同意GVEA收集和使用这些信息. If we decide to change our privacy policies, we will post these changes on this page, as well as other easily accessed web locations, so that you may be aware of what information we collect and how we use it. 
  • Jurisdiction – Access to GVEA web sites, 数据和政策的使用受适用的阿拉斯加州法规和代码的约束. 与MyGVEA有关的所有诉因应在阿拉斯加州第四司法区裁决. 

Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Golden Valley Electric Association’s electronic bill presentment and payment service, called MyGVEA. We are glad that you are interested in joining. Please take a moment to review the Terms and Conditions presented below. This document contains the complete MyGVEA agreement between you and Golden Valley Electric Association. It is important that you understand both the benefits and limitations of the MyGVEA service. 

Acceptance of Terms

When you click on the MyGVEA “Sign Up” button on the MyGVEA login page, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. 

If you do not agree to all of these Terms and Conditions, you may choose not to sign up for MyGVEA or to sign up at another time. 

If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions, Golden Valley Electric Association cannot provide the MyGVEA service to you. 

These Terms and Conditions may be updated from time to time. Upon any change in the Terms and Conditions, 我们将通过向您在MyGVEA存档的最新电子邮件地址发送通知. Your continued use of this service, thereafter, 构成对变更的接受,并同意受上述变更的约束. 如果您不同意变更,GVEA将无法继续向您提供“我的GVEA”mg冰球突破豪华版下载. 

When you agree to the Terms and Conditions of this service, 你将不再收到金谷电力协会的纸质账单, 除非您选择在注册过程中通过标记适当的选择继续收到纸质账单.  


Golden Valley Electric Association currently provides 一项EBPPmg冰球突破豪华版下载,使会员能够在网上查看他们的帐户并支付账单,因此 eliminating the time and expense of conventional payment. 

Service Limitations: 我们将努力使您在我们的mg冰球突破豪华版下载中获得富有成效的体验. 然而,我们不能总是预见或预期技术或其他困难. These difficulties may result in loss of data, personalization settings or other service interruptions. For this reason, 您同意mg冰球突破豪华版下载的mg冰球突破豪华版下载以“原样”提供。, without warranties of any kind. By signing up for this service, 您同意保证GVEA不会因所有错误造成任何损害, including, but not limited to, untimeliness of processed information, deletion, missed delivery or failure to store any user data, communications or personalization settings. 

Service Changes and Discontinuation: Golden Valley Electric Association reserves the right to change or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the service at any time without notice. 您同意,mg冰球突破豪华版下载不对您或任何第三方对mg冰球突破豪华版下载的任何修改或中断承担任何责任. 

Privacy Policy: Golden Valley Electric Association respects your privacy. 因此,我们制定了一份隐私声明,详细说明了我们对保护您隐私的承诺. The information you provide enables us to provide the service to you. It also enables us to give you updates about our service. The complete terms of our Privacy Policy are part of this agreement; please take the time to read it. 

Cancellation: You may cancel your enrollment in our service at any time. 

Conditions for Use

For the benefit and security of our users, and to comply with applicable laws, we have a few mandatory guidelines. 任何违反这些使用条件的行为都将被终止您的注册资格. For this reason, we ask that you carefully read and follow them. 

Provide Accurate Information: You agree to provide true, accurate, 根据MyGVEA注册表和账户设置表的要求,提供您当前和完整的个人信息. You agree not to misrepresent your identity. 您同意保持您的注册和账户信息的最新和准确. 

Guard Your Password: You will be asked to select a password when registering. 您有责任维护您的密码和帐户的机密性. 您对使用您的密码或帐户发生的所有活动负全部责任. 如有任何未经授权使用您的密码或帐户或任何其他违反安全的行为,请立即通知mg冰球突破豪华版下载. You may not use anyone else’s password at any time. 

Obey the Law: 您同意不将本mg冰球突破豪华版下载用于非法目的或传输非法材料, damaging, harassing, slanderous, libelous, untrue and damaging to others, invasive of another’s privacy, abusive, threatening, or obscene, or that infringes the rights of others. 

Proprietary Rights: 您承认,mg冰球突破豪华版下载拥有并控制对本网站及网站上显示的内容的所有权利. 您仅可在本mg冰球突破豪华版下载明确授权的情况下使用此内容. 您不得复制、复制、分发或从本内容创建衍生作品. Further, 您同意不对mg冰球突破豪华版下载的任何技术进行反向工程或反向编译. 

Rights You Grant to Golden Valley Electric Association

Third Party Accounts: 通过使用本mg冰球突破豪华版下载,即表示您授权mg冰球突破豪华版下载访问第三方网站 designated by you, on your behalf, to retrieve information requested by you, 贵公司特此指定金谷电力协会为贵公司的代理,仅用于此有限目的. You hereby permit Golden Valley Electric Association to use information submitted by you to the service to accomplish the foregoing.